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    Galvanized punching mesh

    Galvanized punching net uses high-quality galvanized sheet as the raw material basis, which is punched by advanced CNC punch. Surface Galvanized punching net selects high-quality galvanized sheet as the raw material basis, which is punched by advanced CNC punch. Surface treatment can choose spray, spray paint. (Galvanized can choose: heat, electroplating, cold plating) can choose a variety of thickness of plate. A variety of choice of aperture and arrangement has a long service life and anti-corrosion. It is the best product choice with anti-corrosion and anti rust function, because the price is low This low is widely liked by everyone, need to buy customer friends and Hebei Xiaodi wire mesh products Co., Ltd. to contact and put forward your specifications and size requirements, to provide you with a quotation



    Classification of galvanized punching mesh

    Pattern punching net, forming punching net, extra thick punching net, extra thin punching net, micro hole punching net, laser punching net, etching punching net



    Hole type of galvanized punching mesh

    Herringbone hole, I-shaped hole, micropore, large diameter hole, crocodile mouth, long hole, round hole, square hole, triangle hole, fish scale hole, oblong hole, rectangular hole, special-shaped hole, bulging hole, shutter hole, bridge hole, diamond hole, Pentagon hole, hexagon hole, octagon hole, cross hole, nail hole, plum hole



    Production process of galvanized punching net

    Purchase sheet - punching - cutting - leveling - quality inspection - Labeling - Packaging - finished products - delivery - after sales


    • 直排:直排是网孔横竖都是一条直线上所以被成为直排
    • 错排60° :60°梅花排列以其天然的高强度和宽泛的开孔率以及引人注目的外观成为最受欢迎的一种选择一般说错排都是默认60°
    • 错排45° :和前者相比,45°梅花排列更别有一种风味
    Mesh arrangement of galvanized punching mesh
    • Straight row: straight row is a straight line, so it is called straight row

    • Staggered 60 ° arrangement: 60 ° plum arrangement is the most popular choice because of its natural high strength, wide opening rate and attractive appearance. Generally speaking, staggered 60 ° arrangement is the default

    • 45 ° staggered arrangement: compared with the former, the arrangement of 45 ° plum blossom has a different flavor


    • 冷镀锌则是将同样经过了除油,除锈,呈现出无污,浸润的黄瓜视频APP直播网挂入专门的电镀槽里的阴极上,阳极用锌,接通直流电源,阳极上的锌离子向阴极迁移,并在阴极上放电,使工件镀上一层锌层的方法
    • 热镀锌的镀层较厚,一般为30-60微米也有85μ,镀层防腐能力较高,适合于户外工作的黄瓜视频APP直播网制件,热镀锌也称热浸锌,是将黄瓜视频APP直播网工件经过除油,除锈,呈现出无污、浸润的表面,立即浸入到预先将锌加热融熔了的镀槽中去,在工件表面形成一层锌镀层的方法
    • 电镀锌工件表面光滑平整,但是因为镀层比较薄,一般在5-30微米以内,所以防腐蚀的时间会比较短,都用在室内使用制件的防锈
    Cold, hot, electric and galvanizing process of galvanized punching net
    • Cold galvanizing is a method to put the same degreasing and rust removing, pollution-free and infiltrating punching net on the cathode of the special plating bath, use zinc for the anode, connect the DC power supply, the zinc ions on the anode migrate to the cathode, and discharge on the cathode, so that the workpiece is coated with a layer of zinc

    • The coating of hot dip galvanizing is thick, generally 30-60 μ m, but also 85 μ M. the coating has high anti-corrosion ability. It is suitable for punching mesh parts for outdoor work. Hot dip galvanizing, also known as hot dip galvanizing, is a method to form a layer of zinc coating on the surface of punching mesh parts after degreasing and derusting, showing a pollution-free and wetted surface and immediately immersing them in the plating bath that has heated and melted zinc

    • The surface of galvanized workpiece is smooth and flat, but because the coating is relatively thin, generally within 5-30 microns, so the anti-corrosion time will be relatively short, which is used for indoor anti-corrosion


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